Health can’t happen without you
COPE is here to help achieve greater wellness and health. Whether you are living with viral hepatitis, HIV, or another chronic illness, we can support your journey to becoming Health Empowered.
Health empowerment is the ability to self-manage an illness or health problem. We will work with you to set personal goals and develop your ability to:
- Engage in health-supporting activities that maintain functioning and reduce health declines
- Be involved in treatment and diagnostic choices
- Take an active patient role in achieving better health
- Have the confidence and knowledge necessary to take action
- Take proactive steps to maintain and improve one’s health
- Collaborate with your health and support providers
- Select providers and provider organizations based on performance and quality of care
- Navigate the health care system
- Stay the course even under stress
You are the expert on you
No one has as much knowledge about you as you do. Only you know what you have experienced in your life – the story of your body, mind, and spirit. And no one else can know where you want to go from here – your goals and dreams.
All of COPE’s programs, individual and group, start with you.
Our staff is uniquely trained to support you at every step of your health journey. In addition to providing you with factual health, prevention, and care information, we will help you find services and providers you can trust and who will help you work toward your goals.