Our Mission
COPE’s mission is to bridge the gaps in chronic disease prevention and healthcare management for people not getting the care they need.
Our Vision is a world with access to quality health for all.
COPE’s vision is to improve access to quality care for under-served populations by providing education and support; reducing the fear, stigma, and discrimination associated with viral hepatitis, HIV, and other infectious and chronic health conditions.
We believe access to quality health care is a human right.
We embrace the WHO definition of health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
We aspire to create a Center of Excellence in patient education and peer healthcare support in New York City that can be replicated worldwide.
We deliver:
Community health education on how to prevent illness, get diagnosed, access care and treatment, and manage viral hepatitis, HIV, and other physical and psychological chronic health conditions
Screening for hepatitis C and HIV
Linkage to healthcare services
Peer community health worker support services for continuous engagement in health care
Psychosocial support to build patient resilience
Education and skills-building for healthful lifestyles and greater well-being
Advocacy for sound regional, state, national, and global public health policy and research to improve individual and community health